Thoughts on benches

A little meaningful conversation?

A little meaningful conversation?

Some posts seem to just glide effortlessly onto the page.  Others don’t!  They kick and bite and scratch.  You can’t find just that photo that you wanted, lost in the annals of untidy folders.  Too many thoughts collide in your head, often at silly times like 5 in the morning. And then there are those that miss the deadline by a smidgeon.  Just enough to be annoying.  I’ll leave you to work out which this is.


Rustle and tussle

A backlit ballerina

Twirling in the wind

And whilst I have been known to cheat occasionally, in the interests of a beautiful azulejo or two- can you spot these people sitting on benches?

I’m off out to kick a few leaves now.  You never know- I might spot somebody loitering on a bench.  If I do I may even share it with Jude.


  1. At first I was confused because I couldn’t understand why a statue featuring Chatterton’s Rowley Papers would be in Portugal, but then I realized that that picture must not be from the same place as the one to its right (which features writing in Portuguese).


    1. I’m good at confusion, Steve. 🙂 An aspect of the challenges that I don’t like is that you either throw all your eggs in one basket, with the result that you see, or you patiently post one at a time or small related groups. You’ve guessed, patience is not my strong suit. The first two were culled from a recent visit to Bristol and the Portuguese gentleman from the riverbanks of the Zezere, at Constancia. Sorry! 🙂


  2. Very nice bench photos. The leaves, too, are lovely. I think we like benches even when no one sits on them. They give an impression of repose.


      1. You mean Jude of Hey Jude? I’ve come across her, but for some reason she doesn’t come up in my emails??? What’s her blog title? Why…does she do benches well?


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