Lazy Poet’s Thursday Haiku


A double delight

Chasing away the rain and pain

With a child’s rapture

Sad cloud

You may be wondering if you’ve come to the right blog.  I don’t write poetry.  I borrowed the title from my lovely friend Gilly.  ‘Why not give it a try?’ she asked.  So here I am!

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.  Thanks, Gilly!


  1. I thought I had switched to Gilly’s page for a second there! 🙂 But Jo, your Haiku is fantastic!
    Fabulous muse too. You should consider making this a regular feature.


    1. Funnily enough I seem to have found my Haiku head, Madhu! In idle moments (walking across the park to zumba yesterday 🙂 ) I find myself constructing them. I always did love to play with words. Another joy found 🙂

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  2. I’ve been wanting to give it a try. But I’m just not cut off for it. Me jealous now for your successful haiku. First artistic shots from the other post, then a haiku! … I really felt like I was in the wrong blog.


  3. Jo, this photo of yhe double rainbow is beautiful. Your haiku was not as easy as you
    imply, Jo. I enjoy the word rapture when it comes to children. They delight so much in these sorts of natural wonders.
    I find my own shorter posts, funny and “lazy” ones result in everyone liking them best. Makes me want to give up my longer ones. Ha ha!
    It is definitely a good way to breeze through my Reader! So, there are my positive words to encourage you but also, a little commentary thrown in.


    1. Once you start that rhyming habit it’s difficult to switch it off, don’t you think? This morning I woke with my head full of finishing this weeks 6WS but still snippets of haiku flit through my brain.
      Yes- it’s nice to have short ‘easy’ post, Robin. The walks often take days 🙂 Thanks for the encouragement.


    1. I thought Gilly’s was part of a weekly feature but then realised it was original. So I pinched it! And gave credit. Internet down so using phone till my allowance runs out. Can’t post though x


  4. Dear Jo, see how everyone loves it, you have to continue now! Each time you write one it will be easier and you’ll soon be hooked. I hope you use a photo every week, you have plenty and you can pinch any of mine that you want. One thing, traditional haiku is always about the natural world like yours, and I really, really hope you’ll always do that?
    By the way double rainbows are common down her so I’m surprised you haven’t seen one before x:-)x


    1. Thanks Gilly! I looked at the Carpe Diem site after I put this up this morning. Some really interesting stuff on there. I have my next subject in photos. Yes nature. We’ll see… Glad you didn’t mind me pinching your title xx

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  5. ‘Why not give it a try’ might just become my motto for the next New Year (but I won’t wait till then to think it). Lovely haiku. Try again. And again. Your tries are lovely!


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